Fashion Makes it Easy
What are the Different Types
of Nightgowns?

Today, there are a plethora of nightgowns of all shapes, sizes, colors,
and fabrics, usually worn by women. The nightgownsworn by men
are primarily known as nightshirts today.
Perhaps the first images
in one's mind when considering nightgownsare silky, sheer teddy
and baby doll type nightgowns and negligees, or floor length
satin peignoirs, all of which are usually associated with newlyweds,
honeymoons, and feeling sexy.
These colorful and revealing nightgown they are not normally designed
for protection or warmth, but rather, for beauty.
"Baby doll" nightgowns, chemises, and negligees are usually
sleeveless with thin straps or none at all, and the skirt part of the gown
hangs down only to about the hips. Teddies are actually not
nightgowns at all; rather, they are shaped more like aleotard or
swimsuit. Floor length peignoirs are usually made of a sheer material,
have spaghetti straps, and are close fitted. Yet each of these types
of nightgowns is often used just on special occasions. For everyday
use, it seems the most popular style of nightgown is the knee-length
Depending on the type of fabric used, nightgowns vary almost as much
as regular clothing. Cotton nightgowns are some of the most popula
winter nights. Nightgowns can also be made of silk, satin, and nylon,
to name a few. Most womenfind that they enjoy a variety of nightgowns.
Their collection might include a lace or silky nightgown for feeling sexy,
a flannel nightgown to take away the chill of winter, and a few comfortable
cotton nightgowns for simply sleeping comfortably.
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