Facial scars can have many causes. Of course, if you have surgery or an injury, particularly one that requires stitches, you're likely to get some kind of scar, even if it's small and barely noticeable. Another common source of facial scars is from acne, particularly if you picked at your skin or popped blemishes.
Regardless of the source of facial scarring, one of the questions many people ask is how to get rid of them. Fortunately, there are options to get rid of facial scars and help your skin look as beautiful as you feel.
Of course the easiest solution to facial scarring is prevention. The skin on your face is sensitive, and can be prone to scarring, so you should be sure to take good care of it to prevent blemishes and damage from environmental factors such as the sun and wind. Good hygiene can go a long way to preventing scars. Keep your face clean, moisturized, and protected from the sun.
If there is already scarring and you're looking to reduce the appearance or eliminate the scar, you still have options.
There are many lotions, creams, and oils available through the beauty industry that may be able to get rid of your facial scar. Your doctor may even be able to give you a prescription cream or lotion that is stronger than what's available over the counter. Look for products that contain vitamin E or aloe vera, which will help stimulate the production of healthy new skin cells.
If the scar is more noticeable, or these kinds of products aren't working, you can undergo office procedures such as dermabrasion or collagen injections to get rid of your scar. Dermabrasion is a process that removes the top layer of skin, allowing healthy, smooth skin underneath to replace it. This can be particularly effective for raised scars. Collagen injections encourage the production of collagen, which contributes to your skin's elasticity. Collagen injections do wear off, however, and would need to be repeated regularly.
In more extreme cases, you may consider needling. In this procedure, the scarred area is needled continuously. Once the skin is allowed to heal completely, the process may need to be repeated. Though this can sometimes be done at home, it's recommended that for facial scars, you stick to allowing your doctor do it in the office.
Depending on the kind of facial scar you have and how noticeable it is, you have many options for getting rid of it. From natural remedies like vitamin E or aloe vera to more extreme procedures like dermabrasion, you can find a method that works for you and helps reduce or eliminate your facial scar, and lets you show who you really are.
A Facial Scar looking back at you when you look in the mirror can be emotional. That's if you think of what other people see when they look at you. There is help you can seek in Scar Removal. ScarErase.com has more information on Scar Treatment that will make you smile again. |
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