Beauty Tip on Eye Puffiness
Resorting to cold milk sooths irritated skin or swelling. The mask of "cotton pads soaked in milk" really works. Firstly, with the eyes shut and pads over leads, then fold them in the center soaked again, put into fridge for 3 minutes and applied just under the eye. After 5 minutes you could see the effect.

Eye puffiness may also be caused by:
- Mononucleosis - With supra-orbital oedema, the eyes become puffy and swollen. This may occur in the early stages of infection.
- Oversleeping/sleep deprivation - Interrupted sleep cycles are common causes of eye puffiness.
- Fluid retention - Many conditions (including pregnancy and hormonal variations with menstruation) can lead to the retention of fluid, particularly in the subcutaneous tissues. These conditions can cause swelling around the eyes to be more prominent.
- Diet - Excess salt encourages fluid retention and may lead to puffy eyes.
- Alcohol and tobacco use - Alcohol and tobacco contain toxins that may lead to stress, fatigue, and hormonal changes; all of which may lead to fluid retention and swelling around the eyes.
- Allergies - Allergic reactions can lead to leaks in the subcutaneous capillary beds which can cause swelling in the face, including around the eyes.
- Skin disorders - Eye puffiness can be a side effect of certain skin disorders, such as dermatitis, if the affected area becomes very sensitive, leading to swelling.
- Normal aging - As a person grows older, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner and may swell or droop.[1]
- Crying - The salt in tears may cause fluid retention in the eye area.
- Hypothyroidism - Facial puffiness and periorbital swelling occur due to inflitration with the mucopolysaccharides hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate,[2] pulling fluid into the interstitial space byosmosis.
- Periorbital cellulitis - An inflammation and infection of the eyelid and portions of skin around the eye.
- Chagas disease - Also known as American trypanosomiasis. Young patients, often in an acute phase of the disease, manifest RomaƱia's sign: unilateral, painless, periorbital edema.[3]
- Nephrotic Syndrome - Puffiness around the eyes is the first site to get swollen.
Puffy Eyes Home Remedies
Puffy eyes are one of the major beauty problems by women because it gives the appearance of being old and tired. To some puffy eyes are just temporary but to some it may even take day or even weeks. Puffy eyes are often results of irritation. However, other causes of puffy eyes may include allergies from eye redness and itchiness, heredity, medications, dehydration, fluid retention in the body or edema, and fluctuation of hormone levels.
Since our skin under the eyes is very delicate, it is best to treat our eyes just like jewelries so it can fight eye irritations just like puffy eyes. If you are suffering some puffy eye syndromes, follow below listed puffy eyes treatment tips that will help you reduce them:
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